Our treatments
IPL, Q-switch lasers, skin peels are some of the modalities that Asterie Clinic can offer for the removal of freckles.
A freckle occurs due to an increased production of melanin from melanocytes which causes staining of outer skin layers. This skin will eventually rise to the top and get shed off. Freckles, therefore, change in shape and tend to get worse in summer, when people are exposed to more light. In contrast, lentigines and moles occur due to an increased amount of melanocytes and are more permanent in shape and location. Lentigines are flat and look like larger freckles while moles tend to be raised.
IPL and q-switch lasers (532nm) are modalities which can target and destroy the melanin in skin therefore getting rid of the pigment. Face Doctors Clinic is fortunate enough to be able to offer both options.
Chemical peels can also encourage the removal of stained keratinocytes by exfoliating them.
In the long-run, appropriate skin care is key to prevent freckles from forming. High power vitamin A creams such as tretinoin (prescription only) and retinaldehyde encourage skin cells to turn over more frequently so staining of the keratinocytes is less likely. By reducing DNA damage, anti-oxidant creams prevent UV rays from the sun from stimulating melanin and therefore freckle formation. Zinc-oxide suncreens will also act as a physical barrier preventing DNA damaging UV radiation from reaching the skin and activating melanocytes.
in touch
If you have any general enquires or would like to arrange a consultation with Dr Rafael please contact us by filling the following form.